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Classes and Events

Cumberland April 11, 12, 13


American Beauties 25%
Garden Center:
Squirrel Buster Classic 20%,
Squirrel Buster Suet 20%
Bird Food 10%, Bird Feeders 10%,
Bulbs 20%, Pro Mix 3.8cf 30%, In Stock Felco 10%, Bagged Espoma 20%, Sprout Island 20%,
Seed Starting  20%, Pro Gro 20%
8" Hangers "Buy One Get One" (BOGO) Hellebores 25%, Cactus & Succulents 30%, 
African Violets 4.99 (Reg 6.99), Orchids 20%
Buy a Plant and a Pot get a free re-pot! 
Floral & Gift:
Furniture 20%, Ori London 20%, Silk Stems 20%

Classes & Demo  More Details Soon!!

Saturday April 12:
Native Plants & Their Pollinator Partners 10am
Dish and Herb Garden 2pm
Sunday April 13:
House Plant Care 10am

And More!!



Organic Lawn Care

March 29, Falmouth 10:30am
March 29, Brunswick 2pm
March 30, Cumberland 10:30am

One thing almost every gardener has: a lawn. And one of the first things we do in Spring? Lawn Care!

This class will explain the basics of organic lawn care: What does it mean to be 'organic' and how to start your lawn off for a strong year.  FREE CLASS

Terrarium Workshop!!

April 5th, Falmouth 11am

Class Fee is $65.00 due upon registration

Create a complete enclosed ecosystem with us! This terrarium workshop is unique because you'll have more materials to choose from than we usually offer.  Work with more plants, more moss, and more decorations! You will have access to driftwood, minerals, crystal points, and colored sands.
What to Expect:
  • Hands-On Guidance: We will guide you through each step of the process, from adding a drainage layer and soil, plant and moss placement, and illuminating your chosen decoration pieces.
  • Learn about enclosed ecosystems: Discover the role of the glass, the plants, and water in your terrarium.
  • Personalize Your Creation: Choose from a selection of driftwood, minerals, colored sands, and various plants that thrive in a closed ecosystem. Personalization is key, and we encourage your creative expression!
Who Can Join: This workshop is suitable for all skill levels, and no previous experience is necessary. Whether you're a seasoned terrarium maker or a curious beginner, you'll find joy in this hands-on prehistoric opportunity.
Click the link to sign up! 

Veggie 101! With Kelly

April 26th 10am, Falmouth
April 26th 2pm, Brunswick
May 3 2pm, Cumberland
Class Fee $10

Lettuce turnip the beet! Growing your own food is incredibly rewarding—plus you cannot beat the flavor of a homegrown tomato! Let me break it down and show you how easy it is to grow your own fruits and veggies. Everything from prepping your soil —which is crucial—to how to organize your garden for optimal crop rotation (and why its important to rotate at all). Then I’ll dive deep into growing all your favorite vegetables. I’ll share the best ways to start, grow, fertilize, generally care for and harvest each veggie. Whether you’re a newbie or experienced gardener there’s something for everyone!
Class Fee $10